Thursday, May 20, 2010

Shrek, The Final Chapter~~

hmmm.. ari ni aku berpoya2 kat mid valley ngan ina and madonn.. hehehe.. x sgka kan??? ok gak kuar ngan diorg wlupon kitorg ni x lah rapat sgt.. Aim kitorg pi sane coz nk nngk Shrek.. hehehe.. Si madonn takot ari ni wyg pnoh, almaklum la citer ni bru kuar ari ni.. so kitorg jnji nk nngk kol 11, konon2 kne ade kat sne dlm kol 10 gtu ah.. bersemgt gilerr.. =D tp smpi2 dh kul 11.. hahaha.. Ina yg smpi dlu sane pi la beli kul 12 punyerr.. nsb bek ade.. sampi je kat tmpt bli tiket tu, aku nngk kosooooonnggg ajer... ceeeehhhh... tp x tau la klu dh ptg2 kan.. sblm tggu kuol 12 tu, madonn ajak breakfast.. tp x tau nk mkn ape.. aku ni still knyg lagi coz smpt mkn ns goreng yg mama mask pg td.. so, lastly diorg wat kptsn nk mkn donut kat big apple... waaaahhh.. 1st time aku mkn brkfast ngan big apple... hahahahaha... x prnh2.. =D

dh smpi masenyer kitorg pon masuk la wyg.. peeerrrrggghhh.. kosooooonnnggg wa ckp sama lu... mmg wyg tu kitorg pnye laaaa... start je citer tu smpi abis, mmg ktawa x ingt dunia (astagfirullahalazim..) *ngeeee* mmg best la wa ckp.. 10/10 wa kasi.. dh la "puss" tu makin gmok and tembam.. rase cam nk picit2 je perot die yg moncit tu... sape2 nk nngk mmg aku galakkan pi nngk.. sesuai la klu nk angkot satu kluarga.. klu la papa ngan mama jd pi nngk crite tu, sanggup aku tumpg skaki nngk citer tu lg skali.. =D

so, kat cnie ade la ckit sinopsis yg aku crik kat dlm tenet... disbbkan jmpe kat dlm tenet, sinopsis ni dlm english la ek.. bukak mate bsr2 time nk bace tu.. hahahaha... jap2.. aku nk cut and paste jap.. =D Selamat menonton...

'After challenging an evil dragon, rescuing a beautiful princess and saving your in-laws' kingdom, whats an ogre to do? Well, if you're Shrek, you suddenly wind up a domesticated family man. Instead of scaring villagers away like he used to, a reluctant Shrek now agrees to autograph pitch forks. Whats happened to this ogre's roar? Longing for the days when he felt like a "real ogre," Shrek is duped into signing a pact with the smooth-talking dealmaker, Rumpelstiltskin. Shrek suddenly finds himself in a twisted, alternate version of Far Far Away, where ogres are hunted, Rumpelstiltskin is king and Shrek and Fiona have never met. Now, it's up to Shrek to undo all he's done in the hopes of saving his friends, restoring his world and reclaiming his one True Love.'

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